We have a colossal library of worldwide underwater stock footage available. Because over the past thirty years we have filmed in most of the top underwater locations on the planet.
Whether iconic sea creatures, fascinating shipwrecks, or intriguing locations – we have it!
If you check our documentaries page in this website you will get the flavour of the type of footage we have available.
And check our other persona Crow Creative for other stock footage available.
For “The Last Turtles?” we filmed leatherback turtles in Gabon, green turtles in Guinea Bissau, and
In addition – and perhaps most amazing – we filmed the arribada of Olive Ridley turtles in Costa Rica.
All this footage is available for licence.

Costa Rica Arribada
Sea of Cortez
What an amazing sea this is! For “Islands in a Desert Sea”, we filmed blue whales, fin whales and grey whales. Sea lions by the hundred. Plus huge schools of fish. And captured some especially amazing drone footage.

Sea Lions Sea of Cortez
“Castro’s Secret Reef” was acquired by Smithsonian for North America and National Geographic for the rest of the world. Plus was put forward for an EMMY. We filmed a wide diversity of fish and sharks for this project. Plus we captured stunning and never before seen crocodile behaviour.
Whale Sharks
“The Giants of Cenderawasih Bay” is an hour long programme solely about whale shark. We captured some of the best footage of these wonderful creatures ever seen. Plus unquestionably for the first time fever filmed whale shark at night. And we even shot footage of a whale shark being released after becoming trapped in a fishing net.

Whale Sharks Cenderawasih
Macro filming – Lembeh Strait
Our footage from “critters” has won multiple international awards. Including a once in a lifetime double Palme d’Or at the Antibes World Underwater Film Festival. Because the behaviours that we captured are stunning.
Last but certainly not least, over the past few years we have collated footage of WW2 shipwrecks throughout the Pacific. “Truk Lagoon” is a taster for a documentary series that we are currently editing. Additionally, we have stunning footage not only from Truk but also Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Palau and Vanuatu.
This is just a sample of the worldwide underwater stock footage that we have available…