Update on nautical filming series “Remains of War”
This time last year we posted about our latest nautical filming project “Remains of War”. So it seemed time to post an update. Being a 3 x 1 hour series, there’s a lot more work to be done than on our usual one hour stand alone films. Actually three times as much!

Bottles deep inside a wreck
Edit progressing well
The edit is progressing well. River – who left us a while back to pursue his own projects and travels – has come back to work on the edits. River actually filmed many of the locations with me including the Palau and Papua New Guinea sections. So he is very familiar with the footage. And there have been other developments.

WW2 tank now a kids playground!
On screen expert WW2 historian
We have decided to have an on-screen expert interspersed at relevant times in the episodes. So who better than Saul David? Saul has been described as our finest living military historian. Plus he is the author of Devil Dogs – which traces the actual Pacific campaign that is the subject of our series. And we have worked with Saul before on our Truk Lagoon film.

Biplane deep below the waves
Well Known narrator
Chris Packham – of Springwatch fame among others – has agreed to narrate the series. Chris is a well known wildlife TV presenter and dedicated conservationist. However he also has a deep interest in wartime history. So he is an ideal choice.

Deep in a shipwreck
Final online edit now scheduled
So we are now pressing ahead towards the final online edit and delivery of the finished films to our agents – who will hopefully achieve some good sales to the international TV markets. However there is still so much to do. We need to source maps and graphics. Additionally we will be making decisions on music tracks. We will be finalising our selection of archive material from both American and Japanese archives. Plus we will be finalising the script. And after all this, we will be heading to Films at 59 in Bristol to do the online edit. Tis project is historical nautical filming at its best and most exciting!

But not a bad place to be working…